Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm not sure where to begin. There is so much to tell about our time in Las Vegas at the 2009 ABC Convention. It went by in a whirlwind and there was so much to see and so little time that of course, I had absolutely no time to blog/tweet/or facebook. We were so swamped and at the end of the day all we wanted was to go to the hotel and sleep it off!

Now that we are back I can get serious about everything we saw and let all of you in on the best kept industry secrets! Lucky you, if you read my blog this week...

Of course, I can't write everything today. I am going to break up my blogging into daily snippets. There is no other way, because if I tried to write everything here it would end up being a fifty page blog which I highly doubt you want to sit through in one reading. Face it, you're busy moms (or dads) and this will make it easier on all of us!

This is how I will break up my blogging.

Days 1 and 2: Here, I will focus on the current brands we carry and what is coming for 2010. I will review the Baby Jogger City Select (yes I saw it!), the Phil and Teds Smart Buggy and Hammerhead, the Bugaboo "red" campaign, as well as the new Valco Ion and Matrix; I'll cover the newly redesigned I'coo Targo and Peg Perego Skate, and the all new redesign on the Bob Revolution.

Day 3: I will let you in on what new lines we will take into the store for late 2009 to 2010.

Day 4: I will focus on new stroller accessories, including new branded accessories for 2010!

Thanks for reading and check back tomorrow! Happy Strolling!

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